
We strongly believe that family support is essential to student progress and make every effort to involve families and carers throughout the programme. Parents and carers are involved with respect and One to One Tutors maintain regular communication with using the Class Dojo app to monitor attendance and discuss any problems, as well as to update on positive progress and achievements.

On Class Dojo, you will find the ‘School Story’ where we share key messages, dates and updates for all families. You can also Direct Message with tutors and with Senior Leadership. Ask us anything- we're here to listen.

West Midlands Unique Students Education
West Midlands Unique Students Education
West Midlands Unique Students Education
West Midlands Unique Students Education
West Midlands Unique Students Education

As well as regular communication via Class Dojo, we offer parents the opportunity to book an appointment for a Communication Meeting on site or via video call over Microsoft Teams in the Spring Term. It is expected that all parents attend. Look at the School Story on Class Dojo for further details of dates.

In addition, we send home termly written reports, detailing success and areas of focus across the curriculum. Details of student behaviour and a general comment about your child/young person’s effort and progress at our school is included.


At West Midlands Education and Skills, we believe that a confrontational approach can harm relationships and impair the students’ trust of the staff. For this reason, we do not use physical restraint. This practise has proven to be effective, as learners are secure and relaxed in the knowledge that they will not be physically restrained and are responsible for their own well-being.


We seek to create an inclusive and caring environment for our students by

  • promoting desired behaviour and discipline
  • promoting self-esteem, self-discipline, proper regard for authority and positive relationships based on mutual respect
  • ensuring equality and fairness of treatment for all
  • encouraging consistency of response to both positive and negative behaviour
  • promoting early intervention
  • providing a safe environment free from disruption, violence, bullying and any form of harassment
  • encouraging a positive relationship with parents and carers to develop a shared approach which involves them in the implementation of the school’s policy and associated procedures
  • promoting a culture of praise and encouragement in which all students can achieve

What do we expect of students?

  • arrive at school on time, ready to learn
  • be punctual for lessons
  • refrain from bringing any drugs or attending school under the influence of drugs
  • respect their peers and tutors and demonstrate this by being polite and considerate and behaving in a manner which does not affect the process of learning
  • respect their learning environment by keeping it clean and free of graffiti
  • switch off mobile phones during class and refrain from playing music out loud in common areas
  • engage in learning by actively taking part in planned activities
  • speak to a member of staff or follow the grievance procedure if they are bullied, harassed, or discriminated against in any way

What do we not accept in the school?

  • lack of respect for peers and tutors
  • bullying, cyber-bullying, harassment, discrimination Harmful sexual behaviour both verbal and physical
  • violent behaviour
  • vandalism
  • any other behaviour which affects the learning process in a negative way

The Disciplinary Procedure

There are three stages when it comes to the disciplinary procedure:-

  • Verbal Warning – given for unacceptable behaviour.
  • Written Warning – given if student continues to behave in an unacceptable manner despite the verbal warning.
  • Fixed Term Exclusion - if student continues to behave in an unacceptable manner despite the written warning, or if they have brought drugs to the premises; acted in a violent or threatening manner; bullied; vandalised school property; or conducted any other behaviour that threatens the safety of students or staff, they will be excluded for a fixed term- the duration will be decided by the Headteacher depending on the severity of the misconduct.

A safeguarding report will be logged where appropriate, and the parents/carers are informed of the exclusion and invited to a meeting with the Leadership team. The student is not allowed to return to the premises until the matter is resolved. If the behaviour warrants it, the police might be involved.

  • Exclusions are handled by the Headteacher and Chair of Governors.

Permanent exclusion is only used as a last resort where all alternatives have been considered and all strategies to change behaviour have failed.